About Me

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Kansas City, MO, United States
Author of the book, Port Security Management (2009, CRC Press), which reflects the altered landscape of the post-9/11 era, providing real-world guidelines for port security management, planning, and implementation processes. Assistant Professor and Chair of Criminal Justice at Park University in Parkville, MO. and Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Contact Information: Park University, 8700 NW River Park Drive, Parkville, MO, 64152. www.park.edu/cj

Saturday, May 22, 2010

More New Laws Help Illegal Immigrants Than Restrict Them

The Washington Post reports a study conducted by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars indicates “more laws expanding immigrants’ rights are enacted than those contracting them. . . .“The study, ‘Context Matters: Latino Immigrant Civic Engagement in Nine U.S. Cities,’ found that areas long accustomed to an influx of immigrants … tend to focus more on trying to accommodate them rather than restrict them.”

SEE: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/05/10/AR2010051003170.html


  1. Anti immigration is a scary sentiment across the country and no different in Greater Danbury where every utterance of immigration in News-Times columnist Brian Koonz' post draws ire

    I've taught English to undocumented hard-working landscapers, housecleaners and babysitters and still haven't met a terrorist. They don't aspire to be superstars just to job-up to waitress or supermarket checker status and buy groceries for their kids. So I guess I'm liberal in supporting public policy that gives leniency to undocumented "workers" and yes access to rights like any American.

  2. Many share your sentiments Donna. American history is replete with examples of immigrants who came to the US and toiled in the mills, mines, slag heaps, and construction projects upon which the great US industrial economy was built. Of course, there are also compelling arguments that point to inconsistent border security processes that enable criminals and narrow-minded ideologues to enter the country and pursue their goals and objectives.

    Public policymakers' challenge is to use quantifiable risk assessment techniques to develop laws and systems that don’t punish the majority of the good immigrants for the sins of the small minority that pose the biggest threats.
